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Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

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- Nature of science
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- Planet Earth and beyond
- Technological knowledge
- Physical world
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- Number and Algebra
- Technological practice
- Gather and interpret data
- Use evidence
- Critique evidence
- Engage with science
- Interpret representations
- Articles
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- Kākano | Seed
- Tupu | Seedling
- Māhuri | Sapling
- Rākau | Tree
- Consonant digraphs
- Consonant patterns
- Initial and final blends
- Long vowels
- Short vowels
- Single consonants
- Complex morphemes
- Tense
- Vowel digraphs
- Contractions
- Syllable types
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1187 items - Showing 801 - 810
by Annaleese Jochems
Illustrations by Rebecca ter Borg
“Springers” is a fictional story set in a rest home, where George and his daughter are visiting his elderly mum. Meredith has dementia, although it’s not clear to what degree: at times her strong mind and character shine through, at others, she seems childlike and resigned to the loss of autonomy that many people in rest homes experience. This is a subtle story, carefully observed, that sheds a gentle light on the way ageing can impact on families.
The Name Game
by Victor Rodger
Illustrations by Freddy Pearson
Who ever thought a simple game could be so challenging?
The Kiwileles
by Georgina Barnes
This report provides information about the Kiwileles, a ukulele orchestra made up of New Zealand school students. It focuses on the experiences of students at East Tamaki School and includes a description of some of the steps involved in learning to play a ukulele.
The Ukulele Maker
by Bronwen Wall
Dave Gilberd is a luthier, a maker of stringed instruments. This report describes how Dave makes a ukulele. A note at the end of the report provides additional information about how the ukulele got its name.
This journal includes a linked article, “The Kiwileles”, which provides information about students who play in a ukulele orchestra.
The Something
by John Carr, Illustrations by Stacey Robson
by Steph Matuku, Illustrations by Isobel Te Aho-White
When the strawberries in the garden start to mysteriously disappear, Huia suggests a rāhui to make sure there will be enough berries to share on her mother’s birthday.
Space Rubbish
by Kylie Parry, Illustrations by Jez Tuya
This humorous science-fiction play is set on a spaceship in the future. When the crew’s rubbish-blasting machine stops working, they are intrigued to find out how people used to deal with their rubbish in the “old days”.
Monkey and Crocodile
A tale from India
retold and illustrated by Vasanti Unka
Monkey lives a happy life in a tree high above a river. Crocodile swims in the river and eats fish all day, but what he really wants to do is eat Monkey. When Monkey needs help to cross the river, Crocodile thinks his chance has come…
Kara's Music
by Renata Hopkins
illustrated by Scott Pearson
Kara and her family have come from Earth to live on the planet Poktron. This humorous science fiction story explores Kara’s experiences on her first day at her new school.