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Instructional Series

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Tāhūrangi is the new online curriculum hub for Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education.

Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

Example resources
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  • Science
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Social Sciences
  • The Arts
  • Health and Physical Education
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  • Non-fiction
  • Fiction
  • None
  • Nature of technology
  • Statistics
  • Nature of science
  • Geometry and Measurement
  • Technological knowledge
  • Living world
  • Physical world
  • Number and Algebra
  • Technological practice
  • Material world
  • Planet Earth and beyond
  • Engage with science
  • Interpret representations
  • Articles
  • Stories
  • Plays

Search results

55 items - Showing 51 - 55

  • Fish on a coral bed.

    Under the Sea

    Space ship docked for take off.

    This article reports on a survey of a 100-metre long rocky reef located 11 kilometres off the Taranaki coast. Students from local high schools are partnering with divers, biologists, engineers, fishers, and local iwi to discover and record the plants and animals that make the reef their home. The article focuses on the survey methods being used and the different technologies involved in each method.

    Series: Connected 2018 Level 4 - Digital Space

    Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Technology

    Curriculum level: 4

    Category: Non-fiction

    Strand: Geometry and Measurement, Statistics, Living world, Nature of technology

    In: Connected 2018 Level 4 - Digital Space

    Publication date: November 2018

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  • Person's face.

    Emotional Robots

    Space ship docked for take off.

    This article explores the development of artificial intelligence (AI) from a social and ethical perspective. It invites the reader to consider high-level questions about the future for this technology, what emotional intelligence is, how humans think, the ethical implications of building AI that act like humans, and what would happen if AI became more intelligent than us.

    Series: Connected 2018 Level 4 - Digital Space

    Learning area: English, Technology

    Curriculum level: 4

    Category: Non-fiction

    Strand: Nature of technology

    In: Connected 2018 Level 4 - Digital Space

    Publication date: November 2018

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  • People looking at screens.

    Square Eyes


    Siali is selected to trial a new augmented reality device called SquareEye. While the trial starts off fun, he slowly starts to notice that SquareEye is affecting his experiences in ways he doesn’t necessarily consent to. This story, set in the not-so-distant future, explores how digital technologies can alter our experiences without us knowing.

    Series: Connected 2018 Level 3 - Cracking the Code

    Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Technology

    Curriculum level: 3

    Category: Fiction

    Strand: Statistics, Technological knowledge

    In: Connected 2018 Level 3 - Cracking the Code

    Publication date: November 2018

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  • Breakdown.


    by Tricia Glensor

    illustrations by Scott Pearson

    Book cover of JJ 48.

    Mum and Jake can’t go to the supermarket because Mum’s car won’t start. When the tow truck arrives, Jake takes a keen interest in everything the tow- truck driver does. Jake’s interest in the technology becomes the focus of the story, with a detailed description of the process of winching the car onto the tow truck woven into the narrative. The story concludes with a diagram that Jake has drawn.

    Gold 1

    Series: Junior Journal 48, Level 2, 2014

    Learning area: English, Technology

    Colour wheel level: Gold

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Category: Fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Topics: breakdown, tow truck, car, mechanic, fix

    In: Junior Journal 48, Level 2, 2014

    Publication date: January 2014

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  • Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023.

    Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    PDFs of all the texts in this issue of the Junior Journal are available online as well as teacher support materials (TSM) and audio for the following:

        TSM Audio
    Articles Moving Your Body
    Moving with Technology  
    Moving Pictures
    Activity Make a Moving Puppet    
    Poem Bouncing the Beat
    Story Super Huhu  

    For an introduction to the theme of Junior Journal 65 (Exploring movement) as well as a list of related texts:

    Series: Junior Journal & CHAPTERS

    Publication date: July 2023

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    Look inside this issue

    Moving Your Body.

    Moving Your Body

    by Naomi Arnold 

    A report with information about bones and muscles and how they help the human body to move. This text can be used as an introduction to the topic of movement. 

    Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Science

    Colour wheel level: Purple

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement

    Topics: accidents, body, bones, cast, fracture, health, human body, joints, ligaments, limbs, movement, muscles, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, skeleton, tendons, x-ray

    In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Publication date: July 2023

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    Moving with Technology.

    Moving with Technology

    by Naomi Arnold

    A report about tools that assist humans in tasks associated with movement.

    Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Learning area: English, Technology

    Colour wheel level: Purple

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement

    Topics: body, digger, human body, machine, movement, prosthetic, robotics, technology, tongs, tools, tweezers

    In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Publication date: July 2023

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    Moving Pictures.

    Moving Pictures

    by Ant Sang

    An explanation by illustrator Ant Sang about how he conveys movement in his illustrations.

    Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Learning area: English, The Arts

    Colour wheel level: Purple

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement

    Topics: animation, Ant Sang, art, body, cartoons, comics, drawing, human body, illustration, movement

    In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Publication date: July 2023

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    Make a Moving Puppet.

    Make a Moving Puppet

    by Fifi Colston

    Instructions showing how to use split-pin paper fasteners to make a puppet with movable limbs.

    Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Learning area: English, The Arts, Technology

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement

    Topics: art, instructions, movement, procedural text, puppet, technology

    In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Publication date: July 2023

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    Bouncing the Beat.

    Bouncing the Beat

    by Serie Barford; illustration by Phillip Paea

    A poem conveying the lively movement of the Samoan sāsā dance.

    Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Learning area: English, The Arts, Social Sciences

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement

    Topics: actions, beat, cultural heritage, dance, movement, onomatopoeia, personification, poetry, repetition, rhythm, Sāmoa, sāsā, similes

    In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Publication date: July 2023

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    Super Huhu.

    Super Huhu

    by Sarah Johnson; illustrations by Scott Pearson

    A fantasy story about five friends who have suddenly acquired superpowers and how they work together to get rid of a giant huhu grub they have accidentally created.

    Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Learning area: English

    Colour wheel level: Purple

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 3

    Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement

    Topics: fantasy, hero, humour, huhu, movement, narrative, superhero, superpowers

    In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023

    Publication date: July 2023

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