Moving Your Body

by Naomi Arnold
A report with information about bones and muscles and how they help the human body to move. This text can be used as an introduction to the topic of movement.
by Naomi Arnold
A report with information about bones and muscles and how they help the human body to move. This text can be used as an introduction to the topic of movement.
Series: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Science
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: See introductory TSM – Exploring movement
Topics: accidents, body, bones, cast, fracture, health, human body, joints, ligaments, limbs, movement, muscles, physiotherapist, physiotherapy, skeleton, tendons, x-ray
In: Junior Journal 65, Level 2, 2023
Publication date: July 2023