Instructional Series
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Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.
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215 items - Showing 51 - 60
Greedy Cat is Hungry
by Joy Cowley
illustrated by Robyn Belton
In this humorous story, Greedy Cat appeals to several family members for food but has no luck until Katie, the family’s youngest member, takes pity on him. Students will have met Greedy Cat before in The New Cat (Magenta) and in the shared text Greedy Cat.
Red 2
At the Pool
by Janice Marriott
illustrated by Polina Outkina
When Mum takes James and Noah to the pool, Noah has a great time playing on an inflatable dinosaur but James worries about getting into the water. Eventually, Noah's urging and the prospect of playing on the dinosaur persuade James to overcome his fears and join in the fun.
Red 2
Monster’s Vest
by Janice Marriott
illustrated by Scott Pearson
Monster is five and getting ready for school, but he discovers his vest is much too small. Luckily, Grandad arrives with a birthday present that solves his problem. This book is best read after you have shared the big book Monster’s Lunch so the students are already familiar with Monster and the things he needs for school.
Red 1
Down the Slide
by Feana Tuʻakoi
illustrated by Donovan Bixley
When Milly and Sunil go down the slide at school, they don’t notice that the slide is wet! Down the Slide is narrated in the first person by Milly and is the first of three stories about these characters. Students will meet Milly and Sunil again in The Lost Hat (Red 2) and A Bird in the Classroom (Yellow 2).
Red 1
A Starfish for Oscar
by Dot Meharry
illustrated by Samantha Asri
Oscar is looking in the rock pools for a starfish, but when he finds one, instead of putting it in his bucket, Dad tells Oscar to leave it where it is. He suggests they take a photo of the starfish instead. The final illustration shows that Oscar is quite happy with this option.
Red 1
At the Beach
by Janice Marriott
illustrated by Polina Outkina
In this story, a family finds some interesting items at the beach, including a shell that wobbles! Students will enjoy the surprise at the end.
Number One
by Joy Cowley
pictures by Jill McDonald
This humorous, imaginative narrative features a mischievous ghost who likes to frighten people. The story is supported by striking black and white illustrations. Repetitive elements in the text provide support for less confident readers.
Stick Insects
by Dawn McMillan
This simple report describes what a stick insect is, where it lives, what it eats, how it keeps safe, and what its life cycle is.
The Crocodile’s Christmas Jandals
by Margaret Mahy
illustrated by Gavin Mouldey
The crocodile loves his new Christmas jandals. But while he is at a beach barbecue, the waves steal away one of his blue jandals and all he can find is a left-foot red jandal. Later in the week, the crocodile wears the odd jandals to a football match. He discovers that he is sitting next to a girl who is wearing his jandal! They are both delighted to have found their missing jandals, and as well as finding his missing jandal, the crocodile is very happy to have found a new friend.
This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language resource e-book on iTunes and GooglePlay.
The Hole in the King’s Sock
by Dot Meharry
illustrated by Philip Webb
In this humorous fairy tale, the King commands his servants to mend a hole in his sock. Nothing works until, at last, the Queen comes up with a solution that means the King will never have to put up with cold feet again.
This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language e-book on iTunes and GooglePlay.