Instructional Series
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Find Literacy resources at Tāhūrangi - Literacy.
Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

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- English
- Social Sciences
- Science
- Health and Physical Education
- Technology
- The Arts
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Learning Languages
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- None
- Nature of science
- Living world
- Nature of technology
- Statistics
- Geometry and Measurement
- Planet Earth and beyond
- Technological knowledge
- Physical world
- Material world
- Number and Algebra
- Technological practice
- Gather and interpret data
- Use evidence
- Critique evidence
- Engage with science
- Interpret representations
- Articles
- Stories
- Poems
- Plays
- Activity
- Comic
- Kākano | Seed
- Tupu | Seedling
- Māhuri | Sapling
- Rākau | Tree
- Consonant digraphs
- Consonant patterns
- Initial and final blends
- Long vowels
- Short vowels
- Single consonants
- Complex morphemes
- Tense
- Vowel digraphs
- Contractions
- Syllable types
Search results
1187 items - Showing 1141 - 1150
Pip and Tom
Will the cat get the bird?
Focus sounds: m a d p o t n i s
New high frequency words: and is the
The Fastest Toy
Dad is back from a work trip with a special toy for Tāne!
Focus sounds: oy
New high frequency words: come other are over away
A Play Date for Huhu
The sun is setting; Huhu and his friends come out to play.
Focus sounds: Revision
New high frequency words: people away over
Night Lights
Frog and Ruru enjoy looking at the beautiful lights in the night sky.
Focus sounds: igh
New high frequency words: are good day no very
Tinā Visits
Tinā is visiting from Samoa. She sees a lot of differences!
Focus sounds: air ear ere
New high frequency words: of what you are
Follow Me
Kiwi, Weka and their chicks play a game of follow the leader. Who is the fastest?
Focus sounds: ow
Tumble and Turn
Crab tries to move out of the way as the waves come in. Will he get knocked over?
Focus sounds: Consonant doubling -le
Tinā at School
Lani brings Tinā to school and they learn about Samoa.
Focus sounds: Multisyllable words
New high frequency words: some what come
On the Forest Floor
Weka shows Tūī all the things he likes about the forest floor.
Focus sounds: Consonant doubling, contractions
A Colourful World
Miss Lee’s class paint pictures of the important places in their lives.
Focus sounds: Suffixes -est