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Literacy Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.

Instructional Series

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Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

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16 items - Showing 11 - 16

  • The king's birthday.

    The King’s Birthday

    by Dot Meharry

    illustrated by Philip Webb

    The King is upset because nobody seems to have remembered his birthday. Lunch, however, reveals a lovely surprise. This is a sequel (with lots of delightful links) to The Hole in the King’s Sock (Shared Reading).

    Turquoise 1

    This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language e-book on  iTunes and  GooglePlay.

    Series: Ready to Read Colour Wheel

    Learning area: Social Sciences

    Colour wheel level: Turquoise

    Curriculum level: 1

    Category: Fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Publication date: January 2005

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  • Late for the Race book cover.

    Late for the Race

    by Dawn McMillan

    illustrated by Ali Teo

    Everyone is ready to start the bike race except for the bossy and demanding Princess. The Queen helps the Princess gather the things she needs – but this is one time the Princess will not be allowed to wear her crown. 

    Red 3

    This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language e-book on  iTunes and  GooglePlay

    Series: Ready to Read Colour Wheel

    Learning area: Health and Physical Education

    Colour wheel level: Red

    Curriculum level: 1

    Category: Fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Publication date: January 2011

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  • King of the mountain cover.

    I’m the King of the Mountain

    by Joy Cowley

    illustrated by Dick Frizzell

    In this lively, rhythmic text, suitable for sharing across all levels, a flea boasts that he is King of the Mountain, only to have the title snatched from him by a bigger, more threatening neighbour. The title is repeatedly relinquished as bigger, more intimidating animals come along, but the clever flea, using a little trickery, wins back the day. 

    This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language e-book on  iTunes and  GooglePlay.


    Series: Ready to Read Colour Wheel

    Learning area: Social Sciences

    Category: Fiction

    Shared texts

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Publication date: January 1984

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  • Visit to koro and nanny.

    A Special Visit to Koro and Nanny

    by Herehere Titoko

    illustrated by Jennifer Cooper

    In this narrative, Ani and her parents travel to the countryside to visit Koro and Nanny. Ani wakes up in the night and is frightened of the dark. Koro hears her calling out and comes to comfort her. He takes her outside to show her the stars and tells her they are kaitiaki – guardians to watch over her and keep her safe. 

    Orange 1

    This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language e-book on  iTunes and  GooglePlay.

    Series: Ready to Read Colour Wheel

    Learning area: Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences

    Colour wheel level: Orange

    Curriculum level: 1

    Category: Fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Publication date: January 2012

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  • Christmas jandals.

    The Crocodile’s Christmas Jandals

    by Margaret Mahy

    illustrated by Gavin Mouldey

    The crocodile loves his new Christmas jandals. But while he is at a beach barbecue, the waves steal away one of his blue jandals and all he can find is a left-foot red jandal. Later in the week, the crocodile wears the odd jandals to a football match. He discovers that he is sitting next to a girl who is wearing his jandal! They are both delighted to have found their missing jandals, and as well as finding his missing jandal, the crocodile is very happy to have found a new friend.


    This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language resource e-book on  iTunes and  GooglePlay.

    Series: Ready to Read Colour Wheel

    Learning area: Health and Physical Education

    Category: Fiction

    Shared texts

    Publication date: January 2013

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  • Is that an earthquake.

    Is That an Earthquake?

    by Alan Bagnall

    illustrated by Jennifer Cooper

    A young boy wonders anxiously whether the movements and noises around his home could be an earthquake, and then, suddenly an earthquake does happen. The story incorporates a recount and an explanation and is told entirely through dialogue. There are safety instructions inside the back cover.

    This title is also available as an e-book with NZ Sign Language vocabulary on  iTunes and  GooglePlay.

    Series: Ready to Read Colour Wheel

    Learning area: Science, Social Sciences

    Category: Fiction

    Shared texts

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Publication date: January 2003

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