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Instructional Series

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Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

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55 items - Showing 21 - 30

  • How Cars Changed the World.

    How Cars Changed the World

    by Bronwen Wall, illustrations by Scott Pearson

    Series: School Journal Level 2 November 2019

    Learning area: English, Social Sciences, Technology

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 4

    Category: Non-fiction

    Topics: car accident, Cecil Woods, change, Dennison, car, electric cars, first car, Fred Dennison, history, importing, invention, motor cars, Nicholas Oates, petrol, pollution, roads, speed limit, technology, traffic fine, transport, travel, wagons, vehicles, William McLean

    In: School Journal Level 2 November 2019

    Publication date: November 2019

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  • Fantastic Penguins.

    Fantastic Penguins

    by Giselle Clarkson

    Penguins are unlike any other birds on the planet.

    Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2019

    Learning area: English, Science

    Curriculum level: 3

    Reading year level: 6

    Category: Non-fiction

    Related titles: See TSM

    Topics: adaptation, Antarctica, climate, eastern rockhopper, emperor penguin, environment, erect crested penguin, habitat, hoiho, king penguin, kororā, little blue penguin, predators, Snares crested penguin, southern rockhopper penguin, sub-antarctic, survival, tawaki, technology, yellow-eyed penguin

    In: School Journal Level 3 November 2019

    Publication date: November 2019

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  • Take note cover image.

    Take Note

    Junior journal 55 cover image.

    by Tricia Glensor

    This article provides information about the images on New Zealand banknotes, using the $5 note as an example. It provides opportunities for students to think critically about what makes the images special to New Zealanders.

    Gold 1

    Series: Junior Journal 55, Level 2, 2017

    Learning area: English, The Arts, Social Sciences

    Colour wheel level: Gold

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 1

    Category: Non-fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Topics: Antarctica, Aoraki, banknotes, Campbell Island, Campbell Island daisy, change, design, Ernest Rutherford, financial capability, financial literacy, hoiho, images, Kate Sheppard, money, Mount Cook, Reserve Bank, Ross lily, Sir Āpirana Ngata, Sir Edmund Hillary, Subantarctic Islands, technology, The Queen, tukutuku

    In: Junior Journal 55, Level 2, 2017

    Publication date: September 2017

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  • People using sign language.

    Listening Eyes, Speaking Hands: The Story of Deaf Education in New Zealand

    People playing sports in a field.

    by Renata Hopkins

    This article explores how attitudes to deafness have changed over time. The article includes a social history of the van Asch Deaf Education centre, which opened in 1880.

    Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2018

    Learning area: English, Social Sciences, Technology

    Curriculum level: 3

    Reading year level: 6

    Category: Non-fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Topics: change, cochlear implants, culturally Deaf, Deaf, deaf education, education, Gerrit van Asch, hearing aids, identity, New Zealand, Sign Language, oralism, Relay, sign language, Sumner School for the Deaf, technology, Total Communication (TC), van Asch Deaf Education Centre

    In: School Journal Level 3 November 2018

    Publication date: November 2018

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  • Talking to the river cover

    Talking to the River

    by Clare Knighton

    “Talking to the River” tells the story of a farmer and a group of engineering and computing students from Victoria University of Wellington who collaborate to gather data about river pollution and publicise it. River pollution is a topical issue, and “Talking to the River” provides an example of people dedicated to making a difference. The article explains the impact cows can have on rivers and the importance of being able to accurately measure levels of river pollution. The university students overcome several challenges to create a prototype monitoring device that is fit for purpose. The reach of the project is extended exponentially by creating an app that tracks river improvements and allows users to upload photos to a website.

    Series: School Journal Level 3 June 2018

    Learning area: English, Science, Technology

    Curriculum level: 3

    Reading year level: 6

    Category: Non-fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Topics: algae, algal blooms, citizen science, collaboration, data, endangered species, environment, farming, fish, Grant Muir, monitoring, Pahaoa River, pollution, problem solving, prototypes, rivers, RiverWatch, technology, Victoria University, water quality, waterways

    In: School Journal Level 3 June 2018

    Publication date: June 2018

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  • The mysterious stones of tonga book cover.

    The Mysterious Stones of Tonga

    Cover image school journal level 2 august 2017.

    by 'Ana Maui Taufe'ulungaki

    illustrated by Scott Pearson

    In this article, Dr ‘Ana Maui Taufe‘ulungaki describes and discusses an unusual stone monument, Ha‘amonga ‘a Maui (the Burden of Maui), which stands near the village of Niutōua in Tonga. The monument is special because there are very few stone structures to be found anywhere in the Pacific.

    Series: School Journal Level 2 August 2017

    Learning area: English, Social Sciences

    Curriculum level: 2

    Reading year level: 4

    Category: Non-fiction

    Related titles: Listed in TSM

    Topics: ancient monuments, Burden of Maui, Ha‘amonga a Maui, history, king’s stone clock, King Taufa‘ahau Tupou IV, King Tu‘itātui, Lapita, Maui, mystery, Niutōua, oral history, Pasifika history, standing stones, stone monuments, technology, Tonga, World Heritage Site

    In: School Journal Level 2 August 2017

    Publication date: August 2017

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  • Pā Tūwatawata and the New Zealand Wars.

    Pā Tūwatawata and the New Zealand Wars

    This article describes the development of pā technology in the nineteenth century, as iwi and hapū defended themselves and their land against invasion. It explains how the basic features of pā technology were adapted in response to invasion by Pākehā – utilising the rich knowledge Māori held about their land.

    Series: Connected 2020 Level 4 – Feeling the Heat

    Learning area: English, Technology

    Curriculum level: 4

    Category: Non-fiction

    Strand: Technological knowledge, Nature of technology

    In: Connected 2020 Level 4 – Feeling the Heat

    Publication date: December 2020

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  • Cartoon of a person talking to someone in a wheelchair.

    Saving the World, One Swipe at a Time

    Space ship docked for take off.

    This article describes how three Kiwi companies have used digital technology to help solve health or social problems. It demonstrates how digital technologists think through a problem and how a seemingly abstract issue can be turned into a series of tasks that digital technologies can solve.

    Series: Connected 2018 Level 4 - Digital Space

    Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Technology

    Curriculum level: 4

    Category: Non-fiction

    Strand: Geometry and Measurement, Statistics, Technological practice

    In: Connected 2018 Level 4 - Digital Space

    Publication date: November 2018

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  • Different new zealand weeds.

    The War on Weeds

    Toy car flying off a ramp.

    Students at Kaniere School are helping scientists combat the spread of weeds. They’re using simple digital technology to identify the weeds and upload the information to a national database. The article shows how students can use digital technology to become citizen scientists and act locally on a national issue.

    Series: Connected 2018 Level 2 - Step By Step

    Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Technology

    Curriculum level: 2

    Category: Non-fiction

    Strand: Statistics, Living world, Nature of technology

    In: Connected 2018 Level 2 - Step By Step

    Publication date: November 2018

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  • Magic in the wind cover image.

    Magic in the Wind

    by Bronwen Wall

    “Magic in the Wind” briefly describes some of the technological challenges faced by Len Lye in designing a successful wind wand. Together this article and "Greig's Pointed Problem" provide the basis for a comparison between technology and art.

    Series: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather

    Learning area: English, Technology

    Curriculum level: 3

    Category: Non-fiction

    Strand: Nature of technology

    In: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather

    Publication date: January 2012

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