School Journal Level 3 August 2018

Look inside this issue

Acrostic Poem

by Tim Upperton
illustrated by Simon Waterfield
In this poem about writing poetry, Tim Upperton subverts the form of the acrostic to show what can happen when the words and ideas are let free. This is a poem that speaks to students’ experiences as readers and writers of poetry and makes it fun.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: acrostic poems, animals, extended metaphor, figurative language, poetry, wildlife parks
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018


by Simone Kaho
illustrated by Leilani Isara
"It was our first night camping with Dad, and we’d just finished eating a big pile of pipi. Dad sat back, happy. He likes it when we eat things from the sea."
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: camping, family, funerals, Pacific peoples, relationships, sibling rivalry, siblings, Tongan culture, tradition
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018

Fangs: The Sequel

by Hera Lindsay Bird
illustrated by Fraser Williamson
"Madeline was a vampire. Not the bloodsucking type – she was vegetarian – but the locals were still afraid of her. She tried taking this in her stride."
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Topics: fairs, friendship, humour, loyalty, No Fangs, parody, sequel, stereotypes, siblings, vampires
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018

Finding George

by Henrietta Bollinger
In this powerful and moving article, Henrietta Bollinger tells the story of her great-great-uncle George, a soldier in the First World War. Most students will have learnt something about the First World War, and many will know something of their own family stories.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: bravery, courage, family history, family stories, fear, Gallipoli, George Bollinger, German ancestry, New Zealand history, Ōmatā, prejudice, private detectives, racism, soldiers, Taranaki, the Western Front, war, World War One
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018

Journey on the Sea

by Clare Knighton
"Aotearoa is an island nation with more than 15,000 kilometres of coastline (only nine other countries have more). It’s no wonder so many of us love the water. But activities like swimming, surfing, fishing, and sailing all involve risk. On average, more than a hundred New Zealanders drown each year."
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: adventure, confidence, drowning, new skills, Optimists, Porirua Harbour, sailing, sailing boats, Te Ara Moana, Te Awarua-o-Porirua, Titahi Bay, water, water safety
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018

Koro's Song

by André Ngāpō
illustrated by Keiran Ryanhart
"Look. We’re here!" says Mana, pointing to a sign: Uenuku Ecovillage. He’s so excited. We’ve been travelling all day, and he hasn’t stopped talking.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: change, community, eco-village, family, grandparents, grief, loss, music, new partners, performance, relationships, school holidays, ukuleles, whānau
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018

The Young Ecoleaders Award

by Johanna Knox
illustrated by Giselle Clarkson
The topic of environmentalism is a familiar one to most students and one of genuine concern. This play connects with that concern and the ways ordinary citizens can help address environmental issues, but it's primarily a spoof on awards ceremonies.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English, The Arts
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: awards, change, climate change, community competition, enviro-schools, environmentalism, humour, plays, recycling, satire, student leaders, working together
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018