Fangs: The Sequel

by Hera Lindsay Bird
illustrated by Fraser Williamson
"Madeline was a vampire. Not the bloodsucking type – she was vegetarian – but the locals were still afraid of her. She tried taking this in her stride."
by Hera Lindsay Bird
illustrated by Fraser Williamson
"Madeline was a vampire. Not the bloodsucking type – she was vegetarian – but the locals were still afraid of her. She tried taking this in her stride."
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Topics: fairs, friendship, humour, loyalty, No Fangs, parody, sequel, stereotypes, siblings, vampires
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2018
Publication date: August 2018