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Literacy Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.

Instructional Series

This site will be closing soon as its content has moved to Tāhūrangi.

2024 titles are available on Tāhūrangi. Use the filters to find specific series.

Find Literacy resources at Tāhūrangi - Literacy.

Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

Example resources
Tip: enter the exact title of the resource you are seeking, or use one or two keywords.

School Journal

This site will be closing soon as its content has moved to Tāhūrangi.

2024 titles are available on Tāhūrangi. Use the filters to find specific series.

Find Literacy resources at Tāhūrangi - Literacy.

The School Journal supports students in years 4−8 to develop the knowledge and skills required to meet the reading demands of all the curriculum areas. Since 1907, the School Journal has delivered New Zealand content to motivate, excite, and engage students across the curriculum.
Since 2014, the School Journals are available in digital form as well as print, giving you more ways to use these resources with your students.

A grand tradition continues: read more about the history of the School Journal in the Education Gazette article online.

Useful links:

School journals.

Ordering resources

To order resources please contact Ministry of Education resource catalogue by e-mail or by freephone 0800 660 662 or freefax 0800 660 663.

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