School Journal Level 3 November 2017

PDFs of all the texts in this issue of the School Journal are available online as well as teacher support materials (TSM) for the following:
TSM | ||
Stories | No Fangs | |
The Fantail | ||
The Matriarch's Tale | ||
Play | The Village Beach | |
Articles | My Name is Rez | ✔ |
New New Zealanders | ✔ | |
Stand Up: A History of Protest in New Zealand | ✔ |
Look inside this issue

My Name is Rez

written and illustrated by Toby Morris
Rez Gardi was born in a Kurdish refugee camp in Pakistan and came to New Zealand as a young child, with her family. This graphic text is a memoir, looking back on her life so far. She is now a successful lawyer, a worker for refugees, and was the 2017 Young New Zealander of the year.
Information and tips for using comics in the classroom:
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: bullying, change, comic, culture, difference, graphic text, immigrants, Iraq, Kurdistan, Kurds, migration, Pakistan, refugee camps, refugees, resettlement, Rez Gardi, school, teasing, Turkey, war
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

New New Zealanders

by Adrienne Jansen
illustrated by Adrian Heke
This article introduces readers to a family who have escaped war-torn countries in the Middle East and have now embraced the freedom and safety that New Zealand offers. However, settling as refugees has its own challenges. We learn about the reasons the Kaka family had to move from Iraq to Syria, on to Lebanon, and then to New Zealand.
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: adapting, Assyria, Assyrian Christians, Baghdad, change, civil war, Damascus, difference, immigrants, Iraq, Lebanon, refugees, resilience, school, Syria, war
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

No Fangs

by Hera Lindsay Bird
illustrated by Fraser Williamson
"It was midnight in Transylvania, and Madeline was bored. She decided to go for a walk. The night was warm and full of stars, and sitting outside the wrought iron gates was a girl."
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Topics: friendship, humour, legends, parody, protest, rights, spoof, Transylvania, vampires
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

Stand Up: A History of Protest in New Zealand

by Dylan Owen
This article looks at a number of important social issues and significant events in New Zealand’s history, thematically linked around the idea of protest. The text is organised in chronological sequence from the passive resistance seen at Parihaka in 1881, through to the anti-TPPA protests in 2016.
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: apartheid, conflict, GE-free, general strike, genetic engineering, Great Depression, Great Strike 1913, hīkoi, history, Kate Sheppard, Māori Land March, marches, Nelson Mandela, New Zealand history, Parihaka, passive resistance, petitions, protest, right to vote, riots, rugby, Springbok tour 1981, strikes, Te Whiti-o-Rongomai, Tohu Kākahi, Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), unions, Vietnam war, Waterfront Dispute 1951, watersiders, Whina Cooper, women’s suffragette petition
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

The Fantail

by Steph Matuku
illustrated by Daron Parton
"It was the holidays. My sister Jojo and I were at our cousin Piri’s house. We weren’t doing much, just sitting around in Piri’s bedroom listening to music and arguing about everything and nothing – when this thing flew in through the open window."
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: bad luck, fantail, Hine-nui-te-pō, humour, legends, MASAM, Māui, pīwaiwaka, pīwakawaka, siblings, traditional tales, whānau
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

The Matriarch's Tale

written and illustrated by Meshack Asare
"Once, somewhere in Africa, a small herd of elephants disappeared suddenly, without trace. It was a long time ago, but some people still remember this story. They believe that descendants from those elephants live among us."
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Topics: Africa, elephants, fables, legends, matriarch, myths, storytellers, traditional stories
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

The Village Beach

by Tanya Muagututi'a
illustrated by Josh Morgan
"We won't be able to hang out here much longer... There's a new building coming"
Series: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: change, coconuts, conservation, drama, environment, Pasifika, play, Sāmoa, Sina and the Eel, tourism, traditional stories
In: School Journal Level 3 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017