School Journal Level 3 May 2017

PDFs of all the texts in this issue of the School Journal are available online as well as teacher support materials (TSM) for the following:
TSM | ||
Stories | Kōpūwai and the Clever Girl | |
Who Froze Farrell Flint? | ✔ | |
New Boots | ||
Poems | Thumbprints | |
Memoirs | Alvin and Me | |
Articles | Becoming a Martian | ✔ |
Designed for Good | ✔ | |
Interviews | Haritina Mogosanu: Starryteller |
Look inside this issue

Alvin and Me

by Chris Tse
illustrated by Peter Campbell
"A week before Alvin arrived, I got summoned to the principal’s office. I was a good kid. I never got into trouble. I was sure I’d done nothing wrong. But still, I couldn’t help worrying..."
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: Cantonese, change, Chinese New Zealanders, culture, difference, embarrassment, ethnic diversity, friendship, heritage, identity, individuality, race, relationships, respect, responsibility
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

Becoming a Martian

by Clare Knighton
illustrated by Gavin Mouldey
“Becoming a Martian” is a challenging article that considers the possibility of humans living on Mars. The article begins with the concept “We have exploration in our DNA.” After reminding us of what humans need to survive on Earth (oxygen, water, food, and shelter) the writer explores each of these in relation to Mars, providing factual information about the planet, explaining the challenges of living there, and offering possible solutions.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: astrobiology, astronauts, astronomy, challenge, colonisation, environment, exploration, extreme conditions, Mars, science, space, space stations, space travel, survival, water
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

Designed for Good

by Philip Cleaver
The New Zealand environment has been badly affected by introduced pests such as rats, stoats, and possums. “Designed for Good” follows the process of developing an effective and humane trap to reduce these pest populations. The article tells the story of the project, from the first “That’s it!” moment through to the production of thousands of traps, which are now in use throughout New Zealand.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Learning area: English, Science, Technology
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: conservation, design, ecological sustainability, ecology, environment, ideas, innovation, introduced species, native bush, pest control, pests, possums, predator-free New Zealand, predators, prototypes, technology, traps
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

Kōpūwai and the Clever Girl

retold by Brian Potiki
illustrated by Scott Pearson
This story is from Rapuwai, an ancestral iwi of Ngāi Tahu. It is set on the banks of the Mata-Au/Clutha River, in Otago, and comes from a time long ago when moa roamed the land and giant tuna swam in the rivers.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: challenge, cleverness, Clutha River, Kōpūwai, legends, Māori traditional stories, Mata-Au, monsters, myths, Ngāi Tahu, Otago, Rapuwai, trickery
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

New Boots

by Tim Jones
illustrated by Andrew Burdan
"Charlie’s own pack was fine, but he was hungry, and his new boots pinched. Plus his mates were way ahead, having a great time – and here he was stuck at the back with Mr Ngaia and the new kid."
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Topics: anger, bullying, family, friendship, kea, managing self, narrative, outdoors, relationships, respect for others, responsibilty, scouts, tramping
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

Haritina Mogosanu: Starryteller

by Clare Knighton
Meet Haritina Mogosanu: astrobiologist, science communicator, president of the Mars Society in New Zealand, and “starryteller”. In 2012, she was commander of the first New Zealand mission to the Mars Desert Research Station in the United States.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: astrobiology, astronauts, astronomy, challenge, colonisation, environment, exploration, extreme conditions, Haritina Mogosanu, interviews, Mars, Mars Desert Research Station, space, space travel, survival, science
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017


by Serie Barford
illustrated by Sheyne Tuffery
"Mum left Sāmoa in 1952. To‘ono drove her to the harbour in a jeep abandoned by American marines."
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Topics: change, difference, ethnic diversity, family, First World War, German ancestry, heritage, identity, immigration, individuality, internment, New Zealand history, poetry, race, relationships, respect, Sāmoa, Second World War, World War 1, World War 2
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

Who Froze Farrell Flint?

by Johanna Knox
illustrated by Toby Morris
Minnie Sharp, detective, is the narrator of this science-fiction story. The setting is a futuristic research centre on Mars. Minnie has a mystery to solve following the discovery of a frozen scientist in the Cryogenic Storage Room. As she interviews the other scientists working in the laboratory, Minnie is gradually able to build a picture of what might have happened.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: bacteria, cryogenics, deduction, detectives, ecological sustainability, fantasy, future, humour, Mars, mystery, science fiction, scientists, whodunnit
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017