School Journal Level 3 August 2020

Look inside this issue

by Nadine Anne Hura, illustrations by Zoe Hannay
This is a gentle story with a twist, which is revealed in the final illustration. While most School Journal stories are set over a few hours or days, this piece has an unusually long timeframe: nine months. During this time, Bella learns a more positive way to count the days – by noticing the seasons change and trusting that something is happening, even though it may appear otherwise.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: absent parents, change, divorce, family, friendship, gardening, neighbours, patience, pets, relationships, resilience, seasons, separation, time, waiting
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020

The Polterheist
by James Brown, illustrations by Josh Morgan
“The Polterheist” is a comic story, deftly handled and with a tight focus, spinning great entertainment from a context many students will recognise – a school gala day. It provides a good model for student writing: taking the everyday and exploring its imaginative possibilities, with closely observed characterisation and a heavy reliance on dialogue to move the plot forward.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: crime, family, friendship, humour, pataphysics, poltergeist, school, school fair, school gala
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020

by Maria Samuela, illustrations by Rebecca ter Borg
“Star-gazing” is a fantasy while also being based, in part, on a traditional story from Mangaia, the second largest island in the Cook Islands. The “no place like home” lesson is spiced up with sassy dialogue and combative personalities, deepening its contemporary feel and appeal.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: adventure, belonging, Cook Islands, dreams, emotions, family, Matariki, navigation, Pacific, planet, science, solar system, solitude, space, stars, traditional stories
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020

Born to Run
by Lucy Corry
Arthur Lydiard was a New Zealand runner and athletics coach whose approach to training has left a lasting impact on the sporting world. Using speed and endurance-building techniques that he developed through trial and error, Lydiard coached several high-performance runners to Olympic success. A firm believer that anyone could be a champion, Lydiard played an important role in popularising jogging in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally. “Born to Run” includes a profile of Lilly Taulelei, a year 10 student who has played for the New Zealand basketball team. She was also selected for an Asia-Pacific basketball team that played at the Global Championships in 2019. She shares her thoughts about what makes a good coach.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: Arthur Lydiard, Barry Magee, Bill Baillie, coach, cross-country, Empire Games, exercise, fitness, health, Murray Halberg, Olympics, Peter Snell, running, sports, sprinting, stamina, team, training
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020

by Kathryn Mercer
Hunting is hugely popular in New Zealand’s rural communities, and it’s often done within families. This article will be welcome reading for students who already hunt, giving them the opportunity to share their knowledge with classmates. Those unfamiliar with the past-time are introduced to the basics, especially the “why” of hunting and the different skills and pleasures involved.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: adventure, bush, conservation, country, deer, Department of Conservation, environment, family, hunting, pests, recreation, recreational, rural, sports
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020

The Art of Aute
by Matahana Tikao Calman
Little is known about the history of cloth-making in Aotearoa. This article is a useful introduction to a tradition that’s found across the Pacific. Nikau Hindin has led the way with its recent revival in New Zealand – both learning a cloth-making practice that’s been around for centuries, then using this cloth for her art.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: ancestors, art, aute, culture, navigation, Nikau Hardin, Papatūānuku, paper mulberry, patu aute, stars, sustainability, tapa cloth, tradition, tūpuna
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020

by Tusiata Avia
Tusiata Avia writes from the child’s perspective as the narrator’s mother receives a tuālima (a tattoo on the back of the hand). Arranged chronologically, the author details particulars of the ceremony, sometimes using gagana Sāmoa terms, and sharing the attention equally between what’s happening and the emotions felt.
Series: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Related titles: see TSM
Topics: ceremony, culture, family, grief, identity, loss, memory, Pacific, poem, resilience, Sāmoa, Samoan tattoo, tatau, tradition, tuālima, tugfuga tātatau
In: School Journal Level 3 August 2020
Publication date: August 2020