School Journal Level 2 May 2020

Look inside this issue

by Tricia Glensor, illustrations by Scott Pearson
This article describes a selection of mythical creatures and monsters from around the world, including Kāhui Tipua (Aotearoa), Afinemata/Gāhehelevao (Tokelau), kraken (Norway), oni (Japan), sphinx (Ancient Greece and North Africa), dragons (Asia and Europe), chinthe (Myanmar/Cambodia/Laos), and the bunyip (Australia), and discusses the possible origins of such creatures and some of the reasons for their universal appeal.
Series: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Related titles: See TSM
Topics: Afinemata, bunyip, chinthe, creature, culture, dragon, fear, Gāhehelevao, kāhui tipua, kraken, monster, oni, sphinx, story, storytelling, tale, traditional story
In: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Publication date: May 2020

Our First Olympians
by Bill Nagelkerke
“Faster, higher, stronger ...” The Olympic Games have been a source of international interest and entertainment since the late nineteenth century. This article provides information on some of our earliest Olympians, with a particular focus on the four athletes who attended the 1920 Summer Olympics in Antwerp, Belgium. It was the first year that Aotearoa New Zealand had sent an independent national team to the games, and despite facing additional challenges of distance and expense, all four athletes made the finals with one winning a bronze medal. The final paragraph of the article extols the benefits of aiming high and working hard to achieve a goal.
Series: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Related titles: See TSM
Topics: 1920, achievement, athlete, competition, Darcy Hadfield, George Davidson, gold medal, Harry Wilson, heritage, history, inspiration, medal, national team, New Zealand history, Olympic Games, Olympics, Summer Olympic Games, sport, teams, Ted Morgan, Violet Walrond, Yvette Williams
In: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Publication date: May 2020

by Greg O’Connell
This humorous poem describes the poet’s pet monster and its dining habits. It links to the article “Monsters” in the same journal and shows how a topic can be approached in different ways. It also provides a model for students’ poetic writing.
Series: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Related titles: See TSM
Topics: etiquette, humour, language, manners, monster, poetry, rhyme, rhythm, table manners, verse
In: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Publication date: May 2020

Kupe and the Giant Wheke
A traditional story, retold by Steph Matuku, illustrations by Isobel Te Aho-White
This traditional tale features in the oral traditions of many iwi. It tells of how Kupe discovered Aotearoa while pursuing a giant wheke (octopus) across the Pacific. As he chased the creature around Aotearoa, Kupe explored the new land and named many places.
Series: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Related titles: See TSM
Topics: Aotearoa, courage, creature, culture, discovery, exploration, Hawaiki, Hine-Te-Aparangi, history, journey, Kupe, legend, Māori, MASAM, monster, Muturangi, navigation, octopus, place name, story, storytelling, tale, traditional story, Te Wheke, waka, wheke
In: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Publication date: May 2020

Let’s Vote on It!
by Simon Cooke, illustrations by Beck Wheeler
The author uses this light-hearted play to introduce ideas about voting, elections, and MMP. A monster is roaming the kingdom and causing mayhem. The characters come up with various ways to deal with the threat and then vote on the solutions. The resolution sees the problem solved peacefully through communication.
Series: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Learning area: English, The Arts, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Related titles: See TSM
Topics: cooperation, drama, fairy tale, humour, MMP, monster, parody, play, politics, proportional representation, voting
In: School Journal Level 2 May 2020
Publication date: May 2020