Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Look inside this issue
by Bronwen Wall
What do you do in your free time? Some people choose to be volunteers – people who like to help others. I talked to some young volunteers to find out why they do it.
Series: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: change, citizenship, clean-ups, climate change, community, environment, future, helping, Levin, native plants, nursery, recycling, repair cafe, rōpū, taiao, Te Araroa, volunteer, volunteering, whānau, whenua
In: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Publication date: August 2022
Kūmara – Behind the Scenes
by Trish Puharich; illustrations by Scott Pearson
There’s nothing quite like a bowl of tasty kūmara fries or wedges. Yum! But where does that kūmara come from? Some people grow their own kūmara or buy it from a market, but most people in Aotearoa buy their kūmara from a supermarket. Have you ever wondered how the kūmara gets to the supermarket?
Series: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: community, cooperation, distribution centre, food, kūmara, market garden, packhouse, product, production, shops, society, supermarket, vegetable, worker
In: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Publication date: August 2022
Settling In
by Abbas Nazari; illustrations by Elspeth Alix Batt
Abbas Nazari was only seven years old in 2001 when he and his family became refugees. There was a war in Afghanistan, and the fighting was coming closer and closer to the family’s village. They had to leave their home and find a new place to live. They had to leave their friends, and everything they owned, and set off on a long and very dangerous journey over deserts, mountains, and stormy oceans.
Series: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Abbas Nazari, Afghan, Afghanistan, change, community, confidence, culture, customs, danger, difference, escape, ethnicity, family, food, foreign, friendship, home, identity, journey, language, Māngere Resettlement Centre, mother tongue, outsider, refugee, settling in, war
In: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Publication date: August 2022
Series: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Learning area: English, Technology
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: activity, cooking, food, instructions, kūmara, recipe, snack, step-by-step, technology, vegetable
In: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Publication date: August 2022
One Jandal
by Tim Upperton; illustrations by Elsie Andrewes
I heard a joke the other day – A boy walks up the street with one jandal on, and his friend says, “Hey, you lose a jandal?” “Nah,” the boy says, “I found one.” Well, it was funny at the time, but it also got me thinking about the jandals we find sometimes. Always just one! And it looks good, but it’s not much use without the other jandal.
Series: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: advice, beach, community, cooperation, family, free verse, helping, jandal, joke, metaphor, poetry, story, storytelling, Tim Upperton, verse, working together
In: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Publication date: August 2022
Water Worries
by Feana Tu‘akoi; illustrations by Donovan Bixley
A meeting room at the council offices. It’s a hot day and the characters are fanning themselves, trying to cool down.
Series: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Learning area: English, The Arts, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: character, citizenship, climate, community, cooperation, council, dragon, drama, environment, global warming, humour, language, message, mystery, play, problem solving, resources, water
In: Junior Journal 63, Level 2, 2022
Publication date: August 2022