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The Journey

The Journey.

as told to Kiwa Hammond by Tumanako Taurima; illustrations by Andrew Burdan

A faint chance of escape to a new life of freedom...

It was time to go. Not a word was said by anyone, not even the little ones. They understood why it was so important to be quiet. Their young eyes had seen many terrible things. They had lost parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunties, and uncles – but did not understand why. Iwirori was among the small group of survivors.

Revised edition: August 2022

Series: School Journal Part 3, Number 3, 2010

Learning area: Social Sciences

Reading year level: 5, 6

Topics: change, Chatham Islands, escape, fiction, history, invasion, Iwirori, Karauria Te Iwirori, Kiwa Hammond, migration, Moriori, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Tama, Rēkohu, waka, waka kōrari, waka pahi

In: School Journal Part 3, Number 3, 2010

Publication date: August 2010

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