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Introduction: Rēkohu and the Moriori

Introduction: Rēkohu and the Moriori.

Rēkohu is the Moriori name for the island group known as the Chatham Islands. It is also the Moriori name for the main island in the group. Rēkohu is part of New Zealand. The name Rēkohu means “misty skies” or “the sun as seen through the mist”. The people of the land, or tchakat henu of Rēkohu are the Moriori.

Revised edition: August 2022

Series: School Journal Part 2, Number 2, 2010

Learning area: Social Sciences

Reading year level: 4

Category: Non-fiction

Topics: Chatham Islands, geography, history, introduction, island, map, Moriori, Rēkohu

In: School Journal Part 2, Number 2, 2010

Publication date: August 2010

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