School Journal Level 4 October 2015

Look inside this issue

Hatter’s Gold

by Renata Hopkins
illustrations by Matt Haworth
This historical fiction story is set in the West Coast mining town of Blackball in the early 1900s. Laurie, a twelve-year-old boy whose father is a coal miner, tells the story. When the miners go on strike, Laurie realises his family won’t be able to afford the new boots he needs. Laurie sets off to find some gold. Instead he finds a fatally injured old miner (a “hatter”) who opens up the possibility that there are more options than mining.
Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Blackball, coal, coalmining, early 1900s, gold, goldmining, hatters, historical fiction, miners, New Zealand history, poverty, strikes, workers’ rights
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015


by Bernard Beckett
illustrations by Pippa Keel
“That day last week shouldn’t have been different, but it was.”
Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Fiction
Topics: abilities, bullying, change, difference, friendship, streaming
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Fiction
Topics: dishonesty, family, friendship, guilt, lying, parents, Pasifika, peer pressure, responsibility
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Fiction
Topics: ancestry, family, generations, hawk, kāhu, kites, koro, Māoritanga, matakite, visionary, whānau
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Mr Archibald

by Oliver McLean, Arrowtown School
Winner of the 2015 Elsie Locke Writing Prize
illustrations by Craig Phillips
Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Curriculum level: 4
Category: Fiction
Topics: Boer War, bravery, conscientious objectors, cowardice, Elsie Locke, First World War, student writing
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Return of the Moa?

by Quinn Berentson
Could moa really be brought back from extinction? This high-interest article considers the scientific and ethical issues related to the de-extinction of moa and other species. The ethical conundrums are explored using a “for” and “against” format, and further details are supplied in a humorous “how to” section. The final section puts forward several other contenders for de-extinction.
Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: bioethics, cloning, controversy, debate, de-extinction, DNA, ecology, environment, for and against, genetics, moa, threatened species
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Comic Man

by Kate De Goldi
How does being a comic book artist happen?
Information and tips for using comics in the classroom:
Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: art, careers, cartoons, comics, creativity, dialogue, drawing, Dylan Horrocks, graphic novels, graphic text, stories, storylines
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Family Photographs

by Alison Wong
In this prose poem, the poet reflects on two old photographs that show her father at different ages. In one, her father was four years old and was living in New Zealand with his family. By the time of the second photo, the family had gone back to China and there are two more children. Both photos show his siblings, and the clothes they wear reflect the styles of the two very different countries.
Series: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: ancestry, Chinese, estrangement, family, history, immigration, New Zealand history, poetry, poll tax
In: School Journal Level 4 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015