Brave Flower

by Simone Kaho
illustrated by Leilani Isara
The poem “Brave Flower” vividly captures the experience of those who were subjected to the dawn raids that took place in Aotearoa in the 1970's.
by Simone Kaho
illustrated by Leilani Isara
The poem “Brave Flower” vividly captures the experience of those who were subjected to the dawn raids that took place in Aotearoa in the 1970's.
Series: School Journal Level 4 November 2018
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: change, concrete poetry, dawn raids, deportation, exploitation, imagery, immigration, metaphor, New Zealand history, Pacific, poetry, racism, stanzas, verse
In: School Journal Level 4 November 2018
Publication date: November 2018