School Journal Level 4 May 2017

Look inside this issue

Astrobiology: Finding Extraterrestrial Life

by Steve Pointing
This article explains the work of astrobiologists and invites students to consider the possibilities of life beyond Earth. It asks what extra-terrestrial life might be like if it does exist. Could we be invaded by a dangerous species, or would the aliens be friendly?
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: aliens, Antarctica, astrobiology, extraterrestrial life, Fermi’s Paradox, Goldilocks zone, habitable zone, Mars, microbes, mystery, SETI (Search for extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute, signs of life, survival
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

How to Fall

by Whiti Hereaka
illustrated by Rebecca ter Borg
"The rec centre’s packed. It’s like one big party, but Maia’s determined not to enjoy herself. Coming to see Aunty Emz’s derby game had been Mum’s idea. They needed a break from unpacking, apparently – although Maia’s pretty sure of the real reason: they needed a break from each other."
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Fiction
Topics: anger, change, family, moving, relationships, roller derby, settling in, skating, sport, stress, whānau
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017


by Paul Mason
illustrated by Mat Tait
"The door to the pod hissed open, and Tre stared at his new classroom, an uncertain flicker in his eyes. Children sat clustered around tables in small groups. In the centre of each lay a pile of building bricks, white as hospital walls."
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Fiction
Topics: apocalypse, authoritarianism, brainwashing, escape, fantasy, fascism, freedom, future, futuristic fiction, identity, individuality, rebellion, science fiction, serial, society, speculative fiction
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

Origin Story (with fairy)

by David Larsen
illustrated by Ross Murray
In “Origin Story”, schoolgirl Moana has a surprise meeting with a fairy. As the fairy greets her and introduces itself, Moana is forced to suspend disbelief. Time is also “suspended” in a freeze-frame style, and Moana eventually realises that she has a chance – and the power – to change the course of events.
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: choices, fairies, fairy tales, fantasy, humour, logic, modern fairy tales, origin stories, responsibilty, speculative fiction, superheroes, super powers, time
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017


by Mary McCallum
illustrated by Elliemay Logan
"Before she threw back the covers, May’s eyes fell on the brand-new Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, which stood black and gleaming like a cat on the dresser. How wonderful of Papa to buy it for her! He’d talked about nothing else since he’d brought it home: how many dresses May could sew in a week right here in her bedroom, how much money she could make, what a help it would be."
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Fiction
Topics: class, dressmaking, economics, education, family, friendship, New Zealand history, poverty, relationships, responsibility, sacrifice, schooling, sewing, women’s rights,
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

The Fight to Vote

by Susan Paris
"It's hard to imagine a world where women can't vote. Yet up until 1893, this was the reality. Not one country allowed women to have a say in their national government. In some parts of the world, it would stay that way for a long time. New Zealand was different. On 28 November 1893, women went to the polling booth for the first time. It was a famous victory – a radical change – but it didn't come without a fight."
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 7
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: civil rights, democracy, elections, Kate Sheppard, New Zealand history, parliament, participating and contributing, petitions, Richard Seddon, suffrage, suffragettes, temperance, voting, Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), women’s rights
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017

The Trial

by Bernard Beckett
In this futuristic tale, readers will be confronted with a situation that has strong parallels with present-day moral dilemmas. “The Trial” provides opportunities for rich discussion about the concept of setting up a “new” society with clear rules and when the rules need to be questioned.
Series: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Learning area: English, The Arts
Curriculum level: 4
Reading year level: 8
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: civil rights, colonies, court, drama, fantasy, futuristic fiction, laws, Mars, principles, rebellion, rules, science fiction, screenplay, society, space, speculative fiction
In: School Journal Level 4 May 2017
Publication date: May 2017