School Journal Level 3 May 2015

Look inside this issue

Boy on a Bike
by Bronwen Wall

“Boy on a Bike” is an article that celebrates the determination, focus, and commitment of a boy who sets himself a huge goal: to ride a bike the length of the North Island. The text will be engaging and enjoyable for most students, and it can be used as a spin-off for a variety of practical research projects. The many graphic features provide strong support and keep up the interest as we learn about Mac’s reasons for the ride, his preparation, and his dad’s support.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: bicycles, bikes, challenge, fitness, fundraising, geography, journey, maps, North Island, sports, training
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: May 2015

Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Technology
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: Chinese, goldmining, history, immigration
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: May 2015

Bok Choy
by Paul Mason
illustrations by Ant Sang

“He glared at the figure of Ah Sum moving slowly down the street …”
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Chinese, goldmining, history, immigration, prejudice, racial discrimination
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: May 2015

The Red Ball
by Renata Hopkins
illustrations by Aki Fukuoka

“The Red Ball” is a contemporary story, with elements of fairy tales and cautionary stories. Students will enjoy reading about a fairy who helps to get rid of a girl’s high-achieving sister. As with many traditional tales, “The Red Ball” incorporates a problem with a test and a dilemma for the main character.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: fairy tales, jealousy, magical powers, other worlds, parody, siblings, sisters, spells, twins
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: May 2015

Grandparents’ Day
by Adrienne Frater
illustrations by Kat Chadwick

For Isla’s grandparents, the long trip from Nelson is only the beginning.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: family, grandparents, humour, school
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: May 2015

by Sisilia Eteuati
illustrations by Mose Eteuati

This contemporary story is about a boy and his love of planes, but students will also read about the importance of his name and how a chance meeting helped him gain confidence. Samoan students will identify with Lagi, and all students will enjoy his enthusiasm and excitement as he sets off on his first trip to Sāmoa.
Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: aeroplanes, family, flying, friendship, identity, Pasifika, relationships, Sāmoa
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: May 2015

Series: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 5
Category: Fiction
Topics: Chinese, goldmining, history, immigration
In: School Journal Level 3 May 2015
Publication date: January 2015