He Rāhui

by Arielle Kauaeroa Monk
This article examines the rapid decline in scallop numbers due to overfishing and pollution and the efforts being made to recover and save the species.
by Arielle Kauaeroa Monk
This article examines the rapid decline in scallop numbers due to overfishing and pollution and the efforts being made to recover and save the species.
Series: School Journal Level 3 June 2023
Learning area: Science, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 3
Reading year level: 6
Topics: ban, climate change, community, dredging, environment, indigenous knowledge, kaimoana, kaitiaki, kaitiakitanga, ocean, overfishing, pollution, rāhui, resource management, scallops, sea, shellfish, sustainability, tikanga, tipa
In: School Journal Level 3 June 2023
Publication date: June 2023