School Journal Level 2 November 2017

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Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui

by Maakere Edwards and Kiwa Hammond
This article describes how one Taranaki school celebrates the appearance of the star Puanga in the eastern sky – the signal for the start of the Māori New Year. In other parts of Aotearoa, people watch for Matariki, but that constellation is hard to see in the Taranaki region.
Series: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: astronomer, astronomy, celebrations, constellations, Māori New Year, Matariki, night sky, Orion’s Belt, Pleiades, Puanga, Puanga Kai Rau, Ramanui School, Rigel, school, stars, Taranaki, Tautoru, telescopes, time capsule
In: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

Finders, Keepers

by Sarah Johnson
illustrated by Gavin Mouldey
"Joe found the dinosaur egg in the washing basket in the laundry. He knew straightaway that the egg belonged to a dinosaur. It was too big to belong to a chicken and not round enough for a soccer ball."
Series: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Fiction
Topics: dialogue, dinosaur eggs, dinosaurs, fantasy, Gondwana, humour, siblings, time travel
In: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

New Zealand Dinosaurs

by Hamish Campbell
illustrated by Spike Wademan
This engaging article explains what is known about the dinosaurs that once roamed New Zealand. It provides some background information on dinosaurs in general, including the most popular theory about why they became extinct. It also explains that for a long time, people believed no dinosaurs had ever lived in this country. Then it gives details of the dinosaur fossils found in various parts of New Zealand, which proved that idea to be wrong.
Series: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: ankylosaur, birds, Brendan Hayes, cerapods, dinosaurs, dromaeosaurid, extinction, fossils, Greg Browne, GNS Science, hypsilophodont ornithopod, Jeffrey Stilwell, Joan Wiffen, Mangahouanga Stream, paleontology, reptiles, sauropods, skeletons, terrible lizard, theropods, thyreophorids, titanosaurid
In: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017

The Show Went On

by Bernard Beckett
illustrated by Rachel Smythe
The story begins with the children of Room 7 dressed as farmyard animals and about to make their entrance in the school production.
Series: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: characters, cooperation, costumes, emergency, fire, humour, play, safety, school, school production, shows, stage, working together
In: School Journal Level 2 November 2017
Publication date: November 2017