Best in Show

by Simon Cooke
Bentley had the same nightmare every night: he was in the Perfect Pedigree Pooch Show. He sat proudly on the stage. His coat shone. His teeth gleamed.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” said the judge. “Winner of best in show is …”
by Simon Cooke
Bentley had the same nightmare every night: he was in the Perfect Pedigree Pooch Show. He sat proudly on the stage. His coat shone. His teeth gleamed.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” said the judge. “Winner of best in show is …”
Series: School Journal Level 2 June 2022
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Topics: ancestors, ancestry, confidence, dog show, dogs, friendship, humour, identity, lineage
In: School Journal Level 2 June 2022
Publication date: June 2022