The Best Team Ever

by Philippa Werry
illustrated by Fraser Williamson
This play follows 6 students grouped together to make a wearable arts costume. The students are forced to improvise after their original idea doesn't go as planned.
by Philippa Werry
illustrated by Fraser Williamson
This play follows 6 students grouped together to make a wearable arts costume. The students are forced to improvise after their original idea doesn't go as planned.
Series: School Journal Level 2 August 2017
Learning area: English, The Arts
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Fiction
Topics: contributing, cooperation, costumes, creativity, drama, found materials, groups, imagination, plays, problem solving, school, teamwork, wearable arts
In: School Journal Level 2 August 2017
Publication date: August 2017