Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021

Look inside this issue

Getting the Message Across
by Iona McNaughton
In this interview, Iona McNaughton talks to Alan Wendt, a New Zealand Sign Language interpreter. Alan explains why he chose to become an interpreter and describes what his job involves. “Getting the Message Across” is one of several pieces in this journal on the theme of communication.
Gold 1
Series: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Alan Wendt, bubble, communication, COVID-19, Deaf, information, interpreter, interview, language, media, message, New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL), news, sign language, sign-language interpreter, translation
In: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Publication date: May 2021

A School Comes Home
by Renata Hopkins
This recount describes a campaign by Redcliffs School and its local community to save their school after it was closed because of damage from the 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. “A School Comes Home” includes comments from past and present students and a timeline of events.
Gold 2
Series: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: belonging, Christchurch, communication, community, demonstration, earthquake, history, land swap, message, petition, protest, rebuilding, resilience, safety, school, social action, students, Te Raekura Redcliffs, timeline
In: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Publication date: May 2021

Top Bear
by Bill Nagelkerke
This lighthearted, humorous story is set during the time of the March–April 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. It describes the antics of two bears who appear to be competing to become the most popular bear in Lockdown Street. The story is told in the form of a television news report and includes social media posts and many entertaining word plays. It ends with a series of questions that invite readers to speculate about what might be behind the bears’ antics.
Gold 1
Series: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Learning area: English
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: bear, bubble, communication, community, competition, COVID-19, humour, language, lockdown, media, mystery, news, pun, reporter, rivalry, social media, TV, word play
In: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Publication date: May 2021

Making a Sign
by Fifi Colston
A sign is a good way to get a message across. Signs can show people where things are or give them instructions. Sometimes people use signs to share what they think.
Series: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Learning area: English, The Arts
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Topics: clarity, communication, design, font, instruction, lettering, message, planning, sign
In: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Publication date: May 2021

Now We’re Talking
by Simon Cooke
In this humorous science-fiction play, a computer virus causes problems at an interplanetary planning meeting for the Space Games. Students will enjoy the misunderstandings between the characters as they attempt to make sense of the nonsense created by a faulty language translation program.
Purple 2
Series: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Learning area: English, The Arts
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: alien, communication, computer virus, confusion, download, drama, humour, language, message, misunderstanding, mix-up, mystery, play, science fiction, translation, virus
In: Junior Journal 62, Level 2, 2021
Publication date: May 2021