Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020

Look inside this issue

Mariri the Flying Man
retold by Maria Samuela
When Mariri, a great explorer, realises his homeland of ‘Avaiki has become overcrowded, he and his warriors set off to find a new home for their people. This traditional tale, featuring rich literary language, describes their discovery of an island (now called Atiu) and Mariri’s subsequent, extraordinary plan for getting back to ‘Avaiki to bring his wife to the island.
Series: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Atiu, ʻAvaiki, Cook Islands, courage, cultural heritage, ingenuity, Enuamanu, exploration, flight, flying, legend, Mariri, navigation, Pacific, potipoti, rakoa bird, traditional story, traditional tale
In: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Publication date: January 2020

by Feana Tu‘akoi
“Seashells” provides information about the shells that can be found on New Zealand beaches. It includes intriguing facts and photographs. This article is linked to two other pieces in this journal: “Super Shells”, which describes some ways that people use shells, and “Beach Buddy”, a craft activity.
Series: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Learning area: English, Science
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: adaptation, beach, bivalve, camouflage, conservation, environment, Hamish Spencer, mollusc, nacre, oyster, pāua, pearl, sea, seashell, shell, shellfish, tide
In: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Publication date: January 2020

Super Shells
by Feana Tu‘akoi
This report describes some of the many ways people have used shells, now and in the past. Much of the information is conveyed by intriguing, captioned photographs.
Series: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Learning area: English, The Arts, Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: art, collecting, culture, decoration, fishing, jewellery, Māori traditional art, money, mother of pearl, musical instruments, pāua, pāua shell house, pearl, seashell, shell, shell collection, tools
In: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Publication date: January 2020

Beach Buddy
by Fifi Colston
Shells come in all shapes and sizes. Next time youʼre on the beach, pick some up and look at them closely. What do you notice? What do they make you think of? Do they look like part of an animal? You could use shells to make a beach buddy, a crazy creature from the seashore.
Series: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Learning area: English, The Arts
Colour wheel level: Gold
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Topics: art, craft, decoration, instructions, modelling clay, ornament, process, shell, step-by-step, toy, visual art
In: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Publication date: January 2020

Sleeping Tiger
by Vasanti Unka
While Tiger sleeps after a night of hunting, Rabbit, Elephant, Monkey, and Snake are awake and moving about. One by one, they discover the sleeping tiger and quickly move out of danger, but then foolish Frog comes along...
Series: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Learning area: English, The Arts
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Category: Fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: animals, drama, fable, foolishness, humour, jungle, language, moral, play, pride, repetition
In: Junior Journal 60, Level 2, 2020
Publication date: January 2020