
by Fiona Terry
In this information text, Fiona and her children visit a llama farm and go on a llama trek. Fiona shares what they learnt about llamas, including where they come from and why they are farmed in New Zealand.
Purple 2
by Fiona Terry
In this information text, Fiona and her children visit a llama farm and go on a llama trek. Fiona shares what they learnt about llamas, including where they come from and why they are farmed in New Zealand.
Purple 2
Series: Junior Journal 51, Level 2, 2015
Learning area: Social Sciences
Colour wheel level: Purple
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: adaptation, farming, lifestyle blocks, llamas, South America, treks
In: Junior Journal 51, Level 2, 2015
Publication date: January 2015