Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?

The focus in this issue of Connected is on the Nature of Science strand of the curriculum and the science capability: Critique evidence.
At times, Connected themes require the introduction of concepts that students at this curriculum level may not be able to fully understand. What matters at this stage is that students begin to develop understandings that they can grow over time.
Look inside this issue

Why Do Our Muscles Get Tired?

by Zoe Armstrong & Dave Armstrong
Have you noticed that exercising a lot can make you feel tired or sore? Sometimes when we exercise very hard, our muscles use oxygen faster than our body can supply it. This is called muscle fatigue. Moana and Oscar carry out a simple investigation to discover more about muscle fatigue.
Series: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science
Capability: Critique evidence
In: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Publication date: January 2015

Operation Duck Pond

by Andrew Gunn
Nathan Burkepile is a scientist who wants to know what kind of pond ducks like best. Volunteers (citizen scientists) from around the country collect data for Nathan to analyse. Nathan works with the citizen scientists to make sure that the data they collect is reliable.
Series: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Category: Fiction
Strand: Nature of science
Capability: Critique evidence
In: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Publication date: January 2015

Learning from the Tangata Whenua

by Susan Paris
James Ataria works a bit differently from most other scientists. As a scientist, he thinks carefully about how evidence should be collected and critiqued. But, unlike many other scientists, he also uses Māori cultural knowledge to help his work.
Series: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science
Capability: Critique evidence
In: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Publication date: January 2015

Heat It Up

by Kate Potter
illustrated by Katie O'Neill
Students Paige and Sabitra design an experiment to test whether their solar oven would work better if they paint it black on the inside. But they notice some problems with the data they collect. By changing their experiment, they are able to improve the quality and reliability of their data.
Series: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Technology
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science
Capability: Critique evidence
In: Connected 2015 Level 2 – Have You Checked?
Publication date: January 2015