Instructional Series
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You can now find Literacy resources at Tāhūrangi - Literacy.
Welcome to the English medium literacy instructional series teaching and learning resources for years 1 to 8.

- Gold
- Purple
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Orange
- Turquoise
- Magenta
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 1
- 4
- 6
- 5
- 3
- 8
- 7
- 2
- 1
- English
- Social Sciences
- Science
- Health and Physical Education
- Technology
- The Arts
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Learning Languages
- Fiction
- Non-fiction
- None
- Nature of science
- Living world
- Nature of technology
- Statistics
- Geometry and Measurement
- Planet Earth and beyond
- Technological knowledge
- Physical world
- Material world
- Number and Algebra
- Technological practice
- Gather and interpret data
- Use evidence
- Critique evidence
- Engage with science
- Interpret representations
- Articles
- Stories
- Poems
- Plays
- Activity
- Comic
- Kākano | Seed
- Tupu | Seedling
- Māhuri | Sapling
- Rākau | Tree
- Consonant digraphs
- Consonant patterns
- Initial and final blends
- Long vowels
- Short vowels
- Single consonants
- Complex morphemes
- Tense
- Vowel digraphs
- Contractions
- Syllable types
Search results
1187 items - Showing 1031 - 1040
I Want To Fly
by Judy Lawn
illustrated by Richard Hoit
In this narrative, Rabbit is bored with hopping and wants to be able to fly. When he accepts Hawk’s offer of help, Rabbit soon realises he has made a big mistake.
Blue 2
This title is also available as a NZ Sign Language e-book on iTunes and GooglePlay.
Let’s See Ling Lee
by Alan and Jill Bagnall
illustrated by Christine Ross
A Chinese girl brings a mystery package to school to share with her class. Ling Lee becomes the focus of attention as her gift is revealed. This text is particularly suitable for monitoring children’s integration of reading strategies at the end of the Blue level.
Blue 2
No Skipper!
by Sharon Holt
illustrated by Marjorie Scott
This humorous story features a boisterous family pet who would love to be allowed inside. When rain sets in, Skipper gets his opportunity.
Blue 3
The Hissing Bush
by Trish Puharich
illustrated by Richard Hoit
Two children come across a bush that makes hissing sounds, and they gradually get close enough to discover a goose guarding her nest.
Blue 3
My Brother
by Sally Sutton
illustrated by Fifi Colston
Big brother is impatient to get to school and doesn’t realise that his schoolbag has fallen open and things are falling out. Little brother rescues the fallen items and tries to get his brother to slow down.
Green 1
The Great Car Clean-out
by Margaret Mahy
illustrated by Philip Webb
In this humorous story, a somewhat disorganised family pitches in, at Mum’s insistence, to clean out the car. They gleefully discover lost items in amongst the clutter.
Green 1
Mum’s New Job
by Bronwyn Tainui
illustrated by Jennifer Cooper
This narrative is about a child coping with change when Mum gets a new job. The text provides opportunities for children to share their own experiences.
Green 2
The Garage Sale
by Fran Hunia
illustrated by Elspeth Alix Batt
In this realistic narrative, a family visits garage sales to find clothes to replace the ones they’ve outgrown. This story makes links to children’s experiences of garage sales, markets, or school fairs and the excitement of finding unexpected treasures.
Green 2
I want to be the Fox
by Bronwyn Tainui
illustrated by Tamara Kan
In this narrative, Josh is disappointed to be given the part of the rabbit in the school play, but no one seems to understand his problem. Finally, Josh does some hard thinking and comes up with a way to make the best of the situation.
Green 3
Treasure Island
by Dawn McMillan
illustrated by Ali Teo
This is a humorous narrative about a pirate and his crew searching for treasure, but there is a surprise in store.
Green 3