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The Waka Te Arawa in Aotearoa

The Waka Te Arawa in Aotearoa.

by Mataia Keepa (Te Arawa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Rārua) 

This infographic illustrates some of the landing sites of the waka Te Arawa in Aotearoa New Zealand. It outlines stories associated with each site and other places that were named by people on the waka. It also describes objects and taonga that were brought on the waka such as kūmara and taininihi.

Series: Connected 2022 Level 3 – Ka ora kāinga rua | A new beginning

Learning area: English, Social Sciences

Curriculum level: 3

Reading year level: 5

Category: Non-fiction

Topics: arrival, Bay of Plenty, naming, North Island, oral histories, Rotorua, settlement, Tongariro, waka

In: Connected 2022 Level 3 – Ka ora kāinga rua | A new beginning

Publication date: October 2022

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