Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries

Look inside this issue

Animal X Factor
The article explores familiar questions – why do we like some animals more than others, and does it matter? – but encourages the reader to look at it from a more critical, scientific perspective.
Series: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Living world
In: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Publication date: November 2019

Kimihia Kermit
This article describes how Ngāti Mutunga and students from Uruti, Mimi, and Urenui schools are working with scientists to find out which frogs are still living in their rohe (local area). It provides an opportunity for students to understand how scientific, local, and cultural knowledge can contribute to an investigation.
Series: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Statistics, Nature of science, Living world
In: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Publication date: November 2019

Sea Science
This article describes a citizen science project carried out by three schools on Aotea Great Barrier Island. Concerned by the amount of marine debris washing up on their beaches, the students partnered with scientists from the University of Auckland to investigate what was happening and to take action to bring about change.
Series: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Learning area: English, The Arts, Mathematics and Statistics, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Statistics, Nature of science
In: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Publication date: November 2019

The House that Dan Built
In 2018, Daniel Turinsky, a student at Nelson Central School, entered a competition to design an eco-house using the computer game Minecraft. This article describes the thought processes Daniel went through as he weighed up different options to create his winning design.
Series: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Learning area: English, Science, Technology
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Planet Earth and beyond, Technological practice, Technological knowledge, Nature of technology
In: Connected 2019 Level 2 – Wild Discoveries
Publication date: November 2019