School Journal Level 2 October 2015

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The Sons of Ma'afu
a traditional story from Tonga, retold by Feana Tu‘akoi
illustrations by Fraser Williamson
Two brothers with a reputation for trouble try to redeem themselves by carrying out some perilous tasks. Despite their best efforts, the brothers fail to impress the other villagers. Instead, they are banished to live in the heavens, where they can still be seen. Tongan students will relate to a traditional story from their culture. Some students may also be able to make connections to the importance of stars for navigation. A final section provides factual information about the constellations mentioned in the story.
Series: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Learning area: English, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Humu, legends, Ma‘afu, Ma‘afulele, Ma‘afutoka, Magellanic Clouds, myths, Southern Cross, Toloa, Tonga, traditional stories
In: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

by Priscilla Wehi
illustrations by Spike Wademan

Māori brought the kurī or Polynesian dog with them when they migrated to Aotearoa New Zealand. This article looks at what we know about kurī, their origins, what they were used for, and why they died out. It incorporates traditional stories about the explorers Tāneatua and Īhenga and explains the importance of kurī to early Māori society. “Kurī” is a fascinating but challenging article at this year level, and you may wish to approach it in sections.
Series: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Learning area: English, Science, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: cloaks, dogs, environment, explorers, Īhenga, kahukurī, kurī, middens, migration, Polynesian dogs, Tāneatua, traditional Māori society, Te Urewera
In: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

A Work of Art

by Simon Cooke
illustrated by Josh Morgan
"Your sacks of rubbish are the new installation – they represent hope for the future. It’s easy to see that you all care about the environment. "
Series: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Learning area: English, Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Fiction
Topics: art, community, environment, humour, installations, plays, rubbish
In: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

My 'What If' Planet

by James Brown
illustrated by Leon Mackie
"On clear nights, I stare at the stars. My Space Facts book says they are suns, some a thousand times bigger than ours, some with planets orbiting them."
Series: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Fiction
Topics: fantasy, humour, life on Earth, planets, poetry, science fiction, space
In: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015

Cool Facts about a Hot Place
by David Hill
illustrations by Scott Pearson
This article presents a lot of facts about the sun and information about how the sun affects Earth. Although some of the concepts may be challenging, the writer uses humour and comparisons with familiar things to help readers get a sense of the enormous numbers involved.
Series: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Reading year level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Related titles: Listed in TSM
Topics: Alpha Centauri, astronomy, day and night, life on Earth, moon, seasons, Southern Cross, stars, sun, sunlight, sunspots
In: School Journal Level 2 October 2015
Publication date: October 2015