Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?

The focus in this issue of Connected is on the Nature of Science strand of the curriculum and the science capability: engage with science.
At times, Connected themes require the introduction of concepts that students at this curriculum level may not be able to fully understand. What matters at this stage is that students begin to develop understandings that they can grow over time.
Look inside this issue

Sensing Data

by Trish Puharich
Air pollution is a problem in many cities, including Christchurch. After the 2011 earthquake, a team of researchers used technology and big data to help make Christchurch a healthier, smarter city to live in.
Series: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Technology
Curriculum level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Statistics, Nature of science, Nature of technology
Capability: Engage with science
In: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Publication date: November 2017

Turning Old into New

by Naomi Arnold
Shoes made from chewing gum? Jackets made from drink bottles? Go beyond the recycling bins and find out how everyday objects and materials can be broken down and made into something new.
Series: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Learning area: English, Science, Technology
Curriculum level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Material world, Technological knowledge
Capability: Engage with science
In: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Publication date: November 2017

Kauri Dieback

by André Ngāpō
The future of our kauri forests is at risk from a disease called kauri dieback. Combating the spread of this threat requires expertise from both Western science and mātauranga Māori and calls on everyone to get involved.
Series: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Learning area: English, Science, Technology
Curriculum level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Living world, Nature of technology
Capability: Engage with science
In: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Publication date: November 2017

Global Action

by Phillip Simpson
This detailed article looks at the science and politics of climate change. It examines what global warming is, explores how scientists use computer modelling to predict the impact of climate change, and explains how scientific innovations in New Zealand could help reduce our agricultural emissions.
Series: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 4
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Planet Earth and beyond
Capability: Engage with science
In: Connected 2017 Level 4 - Where to Next?
Publication date: November 2017