Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather

The focus in this issue of Connected is on the Nature of Science strand of the curriculum.
At times, Connected themes require the introduction of concepts that students at this curriculum level may not be able to fully understand. What matters at this stage is that students begin to develop understandings that they can grow over time.
Look inside this issue

What Makes the Weather
by Eric Brenstrum
This article describes the physical processes that drive weather: the water cycle and changes in air pressure and temperature. The text then explains how these processes work together to cause a variety of weather conditions.
Series: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Planet Earth and beyond, Physical world, Material world
In: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Publication date: January 2012

New Zealand's Weather
by Eric Brenstrum
This article outlines the global influences on the weather. It explores how oceans, continents, and icecaps affect the way air moves, heats, and cools. It then reinforces the concepts explained in “What Makes the Weather” by applying them to the context of weather in the South Pacific and particularly in New Zealand.
Series: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Planet Earth and beyond, Physical world, Material world
In: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Publication date: January 2012

Greig’s Pointed Problem
by Bronwen Wall
“Greig’s Pointed Problem” explores the processes involved in planning, designing, and producing a technological solution to a problem through the process of developing a new umbrella.
Series: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Learning area: English, Technology
Curriculum level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of technology
In: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Publication date: January 2012

Magic in the Wind
by Bronwen Wall
“Magic in the Wind” briefly describes some of the technological challenges faced by Len Lye in designing a successful wind wand. Together this article and "Greig's Pointed Problem" provide the basis for a comparison between technology and art.
Series: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Learning area: English, Technology
Curriculum level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of technology
In: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Publication date: January 2012

Why Does It Always Rain on Me
by Anna Martin
This article describes how the amount of rain that falls throughout the year(s) can be explored to find patterns. Different types of displays are used to show the data and to prompt questions, and some basic features of time-series data are introduced.
Series: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics
Curriculum level: 3
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Geometry and Measurement, Statistics
In: Connected 2012 Level 3 - Watching the Weather
Publication date: January 2012