Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure

The focus in this issue of Connected is on the Nature of Science strand of the curriculum.
At times, Connected themes require the introduction of concepts that students at this curriculum level may not be able to fully understand. What matters at this stage is that students begin to develop understandings that they can grow over time.
Look inside this issue

Building a Wharenui
by Dougal Austin
This article outlines the process of building a traditional wharenui, including a description of the materials and building techniques used and an explanation of the symbolism and spiritual significance of the wharenui. It also explains how and why processes and materials used to construct wharenui are changing.
Series: Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure
Learning area: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Technology
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Geometry and Measurement, Technological knowledge, Nature of technology
In: Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure
Publication date: January 2011

More than a Box
by Dave Armstrong
“More than a Box” describes the processes and practices used when planning, designing, and building a large indoor sports centre. It outlines the science and technology behind the building process, including the steps taken to ensure that the structure remains erect, stable, and safe.
Series: Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure
Learning area: Mathematics and Statistics, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Number and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, Statistics, Nature of science, Physical world, Material world
In: Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure
Publication date: January 2011

Saffron's Skeleton
by Marita Vandenburg
In “Saffron’s Skeleton”, osteologist George demonstrates to ten-year-old Bruno the processes he uses to clean and preserve the bones of Saffron, a recently deceased chicken. The whole experience, including George’s enthusiastic and knowledgeable approach to his work, provides Bruno with a sense of wonder and curiosity and a greater understanding of skeletons and evolutional relationships.
Series: Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure
Learning area: English, Science
Curriculum level: 2
Category: Non-fiction
Strand: Nature of science, Living world
In: Connected 2011 Level 2 – Structure
Publication date: January 2011